Monday, May 25, 2009

You Can Sit Here If You Want, or Give Me You're Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses...

"My name's Forrest, Forrest Guh-ump."

>Forrest Gump: American Spirit personified. Walkin', talkin', marathon-running American Dream -boat.
>Jenny or Jen-ayy: The Actual American, living or trying to live with the American Dream.
She is wed to the idea of this dream (as well as fo reals in the filum.)
She <3s the optimism, but does not embody it herself. Instead, she runs away from it in phases of rebellion (the '60s yos,in both peaceful + panther fashion) and welcomes it back when she needs that indelible presence (cause she got knocked up with the spirit O'76)
She = the reality of the American trying to live in this "spirit"- she's addicted (yayo), naive, (thinkin naked bob-dylan-guitar-skit was a legitimate road to baezville),and passionate (about Playboy or something and singing) only to become: oversexed (via yayo and peace) and unmoved (via yayo and panthers) and ends up falling into the true American reality of suicide, motherhood and AIDS. (1980s= bummertime)
She dies while the American Spirit lives on, in a big plantation house. He keeps on, to keep on fostering childlike hope for the next generation with books about a simple life with monkeys and feathers and things. Old Mother from the Gentile Past taught American Spirit these values, and they shall be passed on.
I Am Sam is the sequel to Forrest Gump or something, Forrest Gump II: The 90's years, with more Beatles and more dummy-pops/prodigy-child pairings. That or FG was the precedent case that allowed for the former.

this one goes out to that famous autistic savant that drums in that band The Beatles.
R-O-C-K in tha U-S-A you guys

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