Thursday, March 18, 2010

Some stuff for the ex-activist and old softie in everyone

"It appears that in the male psyche, women, earth and the unconscious form a sort of constellation, or triangle."
bobby bly

Triangle: a new nu age trend of 2009 or iconic symbol of our generation?

Yacht's e-pamphlet Why Triangles? points to reasons both ancient and occult, but writes it should not be confused with Delta, the symbol for change.

My neighbor today said to me, "Evolution, not Revolution- Revolution is just another circle."
Maybe people using the triangle to evoke the old (oh but the archaic revival!) is the mix-up. And although evolution may move more like the Red Queen runs in place, and progress be only an illusion, if the triangle did symbolize change (a la o ba ma ?) it would be more indicative of what our generation could/subconsciously does, stand for.
For sure, change is a vital element for 'all time', but it may be the one towards which the balance tips-or equalizes for, in this particular era. All is in flux always of course, but maybe for our culture, (the one that generally agrees what 'ordinarily perceived reality' 'is')the concept of Change, in a way much more drastic than it always is, or perceived to be is, will need to be emphasized (the way the Peace-Sign was for disarmament in the 1960s.)
Is a condensed era-a decade is a more condensed amount of time than a 20-year period of general cultural stagnation- of dramatic change ahead, to be catalyzed by media (or another technology) like the peace movement was by the Televised Vietnam War? (The degree of unprecedented shock emotion felt in the creative American culture- only to be generally dissipated throughout the following years- was one that "we can't move on, (to our higher selves? new culture?) if we allow mass violence (at least entering our awareness) to occur like that."
Zinn might say radios and newspapers did the trick for gaining anti-war sentiment in the American people in WWI and II, but was it proportional? and were those modes documenting the Dissent the way television (the RADICAL technology) did?

Were many of the influential parts of the 1970's and 80's creative culture living their era out under a disco-ball star's light-flinging moon? A circular shape, a harvest moon? An era of reaping and showcasing?

Has the (evolutionary) creative culture been staring a Square in the face daily for the past twenty years?

Has the triangle not been the Sign of the Times since the occult-obsessed era of the Hermetical Order of the Golden Dawn? Sure, they've been simmering in the new age scene for the last 30 years, but a Peak triangle era, such as now?

Does this sign point always toward the mysterious, leading the third eye, whatever, to the sacred, holy, the collective Overmind, the Higher Self, the Godhead, the Dream, point the way to heaven?
An Evolution (yes ok, not necessarily progressive, for certainly it will be followed by more circles and squares) seems to be upon us.

And instead of signing off'
Peace, (sign) or Keep on keepin' on

Would the salutation, for a little while at least, be more along the lines of

Metamorphosize, or

Transmute Your Shit Buddy,
Could it be a universal message emphasized for the relative hyper quickness we're about to move in? Or the unstuck detatchedness we'll need to work towards in order to deal with perhaps faster inputting and heightened levels of consciousness/reality awareness; the intake and organization aspects of Intelligence-the general measure of success in a society or culture.

Will the era's new entheogen be one to help us Articulate,(the third point, the Communication aspect of Intelligence)?
Of course once realized, integration of a new lifestyle (culture) around the newly heightened quality of perceived reality (and its new communication mode/ (I don't say information because it seems less about what is communicated than the HOW we do it) would need to commence, so that stagnant, uncreative pill addiction doesn't follow.

In an analogy of the movement surrounding a triangle, I think of biking along the base of a mountain- taking the time to take in all of what might lie ahead, reaching the angle, then biking full throttle up towards the top where the sky is, and rolling down the other side (of a newly perceived reality Ride.)
And oh do things move fast on that side.
Iconic imagery can send shock waves, neo-movements, or ripples of influence for years eg. the Egyptian pyramid on the currency of that newly formed country. For that matter, the culture of that era dealt highly in myth, etc. as well. Is this symbol for all things higher (re: not eternal) for the dreamer archetype, always looking up,up, and away?
The triangle is composed of two opposites giving in and meeting in the middle over common ground. Will the change be like Genesis P.O. thinks, a pansexual panidentity shift in the population?
Is the frontier Space we explore at this time? Or should we flip the triangle upside down, to point inward again (can't forget the inverted triangle of the psychedelic peace sign!) A Female symbol for our era instead of a male one?
How will we go

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